A wave of baptisms washed over Texas this weekend, with hundreds being baptized in a unique location: a water fountain outside Trinity Church in Cedar Hill.

This event is part of a larger movement led by Jenny Weaver, a former wiccan turned Christian minister.

Weaver, founder of the Core Group, believes this summer is destined to be a “Summer of Baptisms,” and her prediction seems to be unfolding. She shared her excitement on social media, stating, “I heard the Lord say in March, ‘This will be the SUMMER OF BAPTISMS,’ and this word has come to pass!”

This Texas baptism follows Weaver’s success on Easter Sunday, where she baptized over 200 people on Clearwater Beach in Florida. Her vision for a summer revival extends nationwide. “Baptisms are sweeping the nation because it’s what God is currently doing,” Weaver declared last month. “It’s the time to REJOICE because the harvest is READY!!!!”

The “Summer of Baptisms” officially began on Mother’s Day weekend. Weaver and her husband Stephen led a baptism ceremony on the shores of Siesta Key Beach in Sarasota, Florida. Simultaneously, Core Group members held coordinated baptisms on beaches and rivers across the globe, including California, New Jersey, Missouri, Tennessee, and even New Zealand.

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