A 40-year old mother of three, Theresa Soaka Biisuku, has defied all odds to reach Senior High School form three.

She is a form three student of Bomaa Senior High and is ready to write this year’s West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) hoping to come out with straight As.

Madam Theresa, despite the challenges of caring for three school children has managed to reach her final year at the secondary school level.

According to her, the quest to achieve her dream of becoming a teacher is what keeps her going.

Madam Theresa who hails from Dumakwai a farming community in the Tano North Municipality of the Ahafo Region said she took the decision three years ago to enroll in school taking advantage of the government’s Free SHS Policy.

She praised President Akufo-Addo for the policy saying Free SHS has come to save a lot of parents who don’t have the means to send their wards to second cycle institutions.

She narrated her dream is to become a teacher after junior high school but had to abandon the idea due to lack of funds to continue her education.

“I walk 5 kilometers everyday to attend classes but I have no regret because I know I will become a teacher to support myself and my children. The journey has not been easy but I thank God I am in my final year”, she told the paper.

She recounted how the decision to go back to school made her husband abandon her to single-handedly cater for her children in addition to going to school.

“To enable me cater for the children and myself, I resort to charcoal production to make ends meet.

Headmaster of Bomaa SHS, George Ampofo praised Theresa’s unwavering determination, effort and focus saying, we all expect her to do well.

“She is so respectful and comes to school early than even most of her mates who live near,” he said.

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