A seven-year-old boy, Blessing Yemo Twotwoo has been electrocuted at Gyedi-Kyekyewere, a suburb of Bibiani in the Western North region.

Blessing was playing with his brother and friends when the accident happened.

His elder sister, Jackline Mensa, was preparing cassava when she received a distressed call from his playmates.

When she rushed to the scene, she found Blessing struggling to breathe.

Despite their efforts to get him to the hospital, he was pronounced dead on arrival.

The Assemblyman for Gyedi Kyekyewere, Samuel Kwagyire said measures are being implemented to prevent such tragedies in the future.

He also urged parents to be more vigilant in supervising their children.

The Police have conducted their investigation, and the body has been released to the family for burial.

The incident has left the community in mourning.

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