A devastating fire broke out in Nima-Moke, a slum community within the Asokore Mampong Municipality of the Ashanti Region, on Friday afternoon, displacing scores of residents.
The blaze, which ignited around 4:30 pm, engulfed over 50 makeshift wooden structures, leaving many families homeless. The presence of highly combustible materials in the densely populated area, primarily inhabited by migrants from Northern Ghana seeking better opportunities in the south, contributed to the rapid spread of the fire.
Many residents were away at work or at the market when the fire erupted, leaving them with little chance to salvage their belongings. The incident has left numerous families, including children, without shelter and facing an uncertain future.
Eyewitnesses reported that the fire originated in one of the structures and quickly spread due to delays in the response of the Ghana National Fire Service.
Tragically, this is not the first time Nima-Moke has faced such devastation. A similar fire in 2020 displaced numerous residents and destroyed valuable possessions.