Togbe Borbordzi VII, the Mankrado of Battor Traditional Area in Ghana’s Volta region, is championing a crucial cause – bringing industries to rural communities.

He firmly believes this will tackle rural-urban migration, unemployment, and boost rural development.

Ghana’s major cities are overpopulated, leading to a high cost of living, and the Chief is urging leaders to prioritize rural development.

By setting up factories in villages, Togbe Borbordzi VII argues that locals will have job opportunities, reducing the need to migrate to cities like Accra.

He emphasizes that rural areas have suitable land for industries, not just Accra and Tema.

This initiative will also improve road networks, electrification, water, and sanitation in rural Ghana.

Benefits of Rural Industrialization

  • Reduced Rural-Urban Migration: Job opportunities in rural areas will decrease the influx of people moving to cities.
  • Improved Infrastructure: Industrialization will lead to better roads, electrification, water, and sanitation.
  • Economic Growth: Local economies will thrive with increased industrial activity.
  • Increased Accessibility: Rural communities will become more attractive to investors and businesses.

Ghana has already made efforts to improve rural infrastructure, with initiatives like the Ghana Road Fund, which covers around 65% of maintenance needs annually.

The Ministry of Roads and Highways also aims to ensure 80% of rural communities access feeder roads within a 2km radius.

Togbe Borbordzi VII’s advocacy is timely, as Ghana’s urbanization rate was 51% in 2010, with a growth rate of 3.2%.

By prioritizing rural development, Ghana can create a more balanced economy and improve living standards for all its citizens.

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