Christians are praying for the nation as millions cast their vote in the UK general elections today.
Hundreds gathered in London and Edinburgh on Wednesday evening for Christian Concern’s election prayer rallies a day before polling stations opened.

The Church of England and other Churches have issued special prayers for the occasion.
The Joint Public Issues Team, a partnership between the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church, has issued special prayers for the election and the days following:
Election Day Prayer
God of all power, on this election day be with us as we love, pray and vote. We pray for our country, for voters, for candidates and their teams, for election officials, and for a safe, free and fair process.
We pray that choices will be made with wisdom and actions will be guided by love. And as Jesus taught us, we pray that your kingdom will come and your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Post-Election Day Prayer
God of all nations,
We lift up to you our newly elected leaders and government officials. Grant them wisdom, integrity, and a spirit of service as they undertake their duties. May they be guided by a commitment to the common good, justice, and the welfare of all citizens.
May they govern with compassion, humility, and a deep sense of responsibility towards the most vulnerable and marginalised in our society.
In Jesus’ name,

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