The United Nations’ humanitarian agency, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), has condemned Israeli forces’ use of “lethal war-like tactics” in the occupied West Bank.

In a statement, OCHA reported that Israeli attacks have resulted in over two dozen deaths, including children, in the past week.

The ongoing raids, primarily targeting Tulkarem and Jenin refugee camps, represent Israel’s largest assault on the occupied territory since the early 2000s.

OCHA highlighted the devastating consequences of the raids, including significant violence, numerous arrests, and destruction of infrastructure.

The agency has mobilized UN and other organizations to assess the damage and humanitarian needs on the ground. A team visiting Tulkarem found:

  • 120 people, including over 40 children, displaced due to home destruction
  • 13,000 people in Nur Shams refugee camp experienced water cut-offs and sewage overflow
  • Traumatized population in need of psychosocial support

However, Israeli authorities denied access to Jenin for a similar assessment team.

OCHA emphasized the importance of humanitarian access, warning that restrictions are hindering the response and delaying medical assistance.

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