A Hong Kong court has found two former chief editors of the now-defunct pro-democracy news outlet Stand News guilty of sedition in a landmark case that has taken place amid a security crackdown in the China-ruled city.

District Court judge Kwok Wai-kin announced the verdict on Thursday, declaring former editor-in-chief Chung Pui-kuen and former acting editor-in-chief Patrick Lam guilty of conspiring to publish seditious publications based on 17 articles.

The judge did not immediately hand down a sentence, but the pair could now face a maximum sentence of up to two years in prison and a fine of 5,000 Hong Kong dollars (about $640) under a colonial-era sedition law.

Reporting from Hong Kong, Al Jazeera’s Laura Westbrook said the trial was “being seen as a litmus test for press freedom in the city”, noting that it was the first sedition trial against Hong Kong journalists since the former British colony was handed back to China in 1997.

“People will be looking at this verdict as another worrying sign that the freedoms that … Hong Kong enjoyed have been slowly diminishing,” she said, with reference to journalists and international news organisations.

Stand News was shuttered in 2021 after a massive police raid on its office in which the two journalists were arrested along with five members of staff.

It was one of the city’s last media outlets that openly criticised the government amid a crackdown on dissent that followed massive pro-democracy protests in 2019.

‘Eradicating dangerous ideas’

The sedition case centred on 17 articles, including stories featuring pro-democracy ex-politicians Nathan Law and Ted Hui, who are among a group of overseas-based activists for whom the Hong Kong police have offered bounties in exchange for capture.

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