Local Manufacturers in the country have kicked against the imposition of a 5% excise tax on locally produced plastic products.

They say the tax if not suspended will adversely affect the business community and compound the living conditions of the everyday consumer.

The government in an attempt to deal with plastic waste introduced a 10% Environmental Excise Tax on selected plastic materials at the entry ports.

Shortly after, the Ghana Plastic Manufacturers Association agitated over a 5% excise tax on locally manufactured plastic products which it said is being imposed without proper consultation.

The local manufacturers also note that all efforts to get clarifications from the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) have been futile.

Speaking at a press conference in Accra, the President of the Plastic Manufacturing Association, Ebbo Botwe said the tax in its current form will be harsh on the common man and reduce the competitiveness of local manufacturers.

According to him, “Passing on the increased costs/5% Excise Tax to consumers would make locally manufactured products more expensive compared to those imported. Already, we are in serious competition with China in terms of plastic product imports.

He called on the government as a matter of urgency to suspend the implementation of the tax.

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