In a heartfelt message during his swearing-in ceremony on January 7, President John Dramani Mahama acknowledged former President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo as a “worthy opponent.”
Reflecting on their long-standing relationship, Mahama shared the mutual respect they’ve built over the years, recalling their shared political journey, which began in Parliament in 1996.
Mahama, drawing a sense of déjà vu from the ceremony, noted that both leaders had once again met under similar circumstances, this time with him taking the oath as the incoming president.
He fondly described Akufo-Addo as someone who always greeted him with warmth, a firm handshake, and a smile, and remarked on the unique bond they’ve shared, despite their political differences.
Looking back with admiration, Mahama remarked, “As I look at our journey together, from two much younger men to where we are now, you have always been a worthy adversary.”