A group of youth activists from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is set to stage a demonstration at the Ministry of Finance on September 4, 2024.

The group, known as the Operation Recover All Loot Brigade (ORAL), is demanding a thorough investigation into several government contracts and expenditures that they allege are rife with corruption.

Specific examples cited by ORAL include the US$34.9 million Ambulance Spare Parts contract, the GRA-SML deal, and funds allocated for the All-African Games.

The group is particularly critical of the government’s handling of the national ambulance deal, accusing it of lacking transparency and potentially inflating costs.

Osman Ayariga, the convenor of ORAL, stated that the protest at the Finance Ministry is just the beginning of a series of demonstrations aimed at pressuring the government to address these alleged financial improprieties.

He emphasized that the group’s goal is to restore public trust in the government’s financial management and to ensure that public resources are used responsibly.

“We will not tolerate corruption,” Ayariga declared. “The government must be held accountable for its actions, and we will continue to fight for transparency and accountability until our demands are met.”

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