Donald Trump

As the highly anticipated presidential debate approaches, Donald Trump’s unorthodox preparation has sparked alarm bells about his mental state and suitability for the presidency.

His recent outbursts, including threats to jail election officials and pardon January 6 rioters, have reinforced Kamala Harris’s assessment of him as an “unserious man” who poses a significant threat to the nation if re-elected.

With the race neck and neck, Harris is intensively preparing for the debate in Pittsburgh, focusing on how to navigate the rules and highlight the crucial role Pennsylvania plays in her path to the presidency.

However, she faces challenges in addressing policy reversals and limited recent media exposure.

Meanwhile, Trump’s erratic behavior continues to raise concerns about his stability and willingness to accept defeat.

His attempts to overturn the 2020 election results and delay accountability for election interference cases threaten potential instability if he loses in November.

As the debate in Philadelphia looms, Americans will be watching closely to see if Trump’s unconventional preparation will pay off or further erode his credibility.

One thing is certain – the stakes have never been higher, and the nation’s future hangs in the balance.

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