The Founder and Leader of the Movement for Change, has promised to eliminate several taxes on imports that he deemed unnecessary and burdensome for the trading community.

This move, he believes, will alleviate the financial strain faced by traders.

He made this known during an engagement with the members of the Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA).

Mr Kyerematen emphasised that the abolition of these taxes and levies would position Ghana as the country with the lowest tax regime within the ECOWAS subregion.

According to him, this will be a crucial step towards fostering a more conducive environment for trade and investment, thereby promoting economic growth and development.

The pledge reflects Kyerematen’s commitment to addressing the concerns of traders and creating favourable conditions for business operations in Ghana.

In his estimation, by removing these taxes, he aims to reduce the cost of doing business, stimulate trade activities, and enhance the competitiveness of Ghana’s economy within the regional context.

“Under my presidency, Ghana will have the lowest tax rate regime in ECOWAS,” he said.

“I will ensure a recalibration of the existing tax regime structure to optimize revenue mobilisation from direct taxes (personal and corporate), and reduce over-reliance on indirect taxes (import duties, levies, and charges) to make the corporate sector more competitive and profitable.”

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