The president of the Judicial Staff Association of Ghana (JUSAG), Mr Samuel Afotey Otu, has said the year 2023 recorded “a lot of cases of misconduct@ against members of JUSAG, “leading to disciplinary actions against staff”.

Some of the “grave misconduct”, he noted in a New Year message, “resulted in some dire disciplinary actions against those found guilty”.

“We are, therefore, using this medium to, once again, appeal to all staff of the Judicial Service to always abide by the code of ethics in the discharge of our duties”, he noted.

He reminded JUSAG members: “Your job security is of utmost importance to us. Therefore, always be measured in your dealings with court users”.

“Remember to exhibit a high level of integrity and professionalism at all times in the New Year and beyond”.

Mr Afotey Out also mentioned that 2023 was “a difficult year for everyone, but we have faced the challenges and come out stronger than before”.

“We are so proud of our union and the work that we have done to support and protect our members during these difficult times. As we move into 2024, we look forward to continuing to work together towards a brighter future for all”.

“We have many exciting projects and initiatives planned for the coming year, and we are confident that together, we can achieve greater things”, he announced.

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