Nana Yaw Kwarteng, the fetish priest facing charges for allegedly shooting a woman returning from a watch night service, has been remanded once again by the Bonwire District Court.

The incident occurred in Kenyase-Abirem, in the Kwabre East Municipality, where 21-year-old Lydia Bohitana was shot while in a tricycle with her one-year-old daughter, sister, and a rider.

Eyewitnesses reported that the fetish priest fired several warning shots in the area that day.

The case docket has been sent to the Attorney General’s (A-G) office for advice, a state prosecutor told the court presided over by Her Worship Grace Osei during a second appearance on Friday (19 January).

The officer prayed the court to remand the suspect into custody, as the police awaits the A-G’s verdict.

The judge granted the request and remanded the accused into prison custody and set the next court date for 2 February 2024.

The deceased’s family who spoke to the media after proceedings is urging a swift trial and increased security in the area.

Reporting by Jonathan Ofori, Bonwire, Ashanti Region

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