WHILE one can count a good number of male comedians in Ghana, you can count the females on one hand and still have some fingers left.

And because comedy is male-dominated here, comedienne Jacinta reveals that females need a lot of confidence to break through.

According to the talented Jacinta, the reason the country can boast of few female comedians is because they lack confidence.

“It is presumed that comedy is for men and women are not cut for it so once you decide to be a comedian, you are seen in some way. I didn’t get it easy starting my career and I still get comments about why a beautiful girl like me has decided to ‘fool’.

“I was very passionate about comedy and never cared about whatever anyone said. I needed to break through and in doing that, I had to build my confidence and today I am proud of what I have become. I never allowed whatever anyone said to bring me down.

“You don’t have to listen to negative comments if you are focused on something,” she told the Graphic Showbiz in an interview.

Jacinta, who headlined her shows One Night Stand last year and Woman On Top in October this year, added that female comediennes can, however, up their game by starting with the small gigs and then move to the bigger ones when they build their self-esteem.

“I have featured a few females on my show a couple of times and what I realised is that they lacked self-confidence. Maybe, the stage was too much for them but they can start from the pubs, weddings and then move unto the main stage with time.

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