Frimpong-Manso Institute (FMI), a non- partisan, research-focused and solutions-oriented think tank has made a strong case for government and private employers to upgrade the salaries and working conditions of journalists with urgent promptitude.

This will be the best form of appreciating the inestimable sacrifice of journalists on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day while motivating them to scale up professional standards and contributions to democratic good governance, said the think tank in a release.

Though journalists constitute the enviable fourth branch of the tripartite government, the FMI regrets that they are the least paid as compared to other branches like the executive, legislature and judiciary. “And despite their endless working hours and the enormous risks they face constantly, many journalists earn below the minimum wage. In some instances, the little they earn is even in arrears. There are worse case scenarios where a significant percentage of journalists are not paid at all, thus festering mediocre outputs and ethical misconduct which in turn poison the entire fabric of society,” the think-tank observed.

On the whole, however, FMI is proud of the fearless, resilient and robust streak of Ghanaian journalists, and salutes them most profoundly for going to great lengths to serve the public, hold duty bearers to account, expose acts of corruption, and oil the wheels of democracy.

As another crucial election looms on December 7, FMI urges distinctive media coverage which will promote free, fair, transparent and peaceful conduct of the polls.

“Through the professional discipline of sorting or unbiased scrutiny of the character, backgrounds and competences of all the candidates, the media can empower voters to make informed choices of men and women of substance and integrity in whom the nation can trust to purify our democracy, protect the public purse, and accelerate national development,” FMI added.

The FMI is headed by Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso as President.

Rev. COP Dr. David Ampah-Bennin is Thematic Chair responsible for Media, Security & Cyber Security and Dr. Affail Monney (FMI Fellow – Thematic Area, Media, Security & Cyber Security.

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