Collins Adomako-Mensah, the Deputy Minister for Energy has clarified a joint statement issued by the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) and the Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo) warning Ghanaians of an interruption in the power supply, known as ‘dumsor’, due to a reduction in the supply of gas from Nigeria.

Speaking to the media, the deputy minister stated that the announcement by ECG and GRIDCo was never an indication that the country was going to experience ‘dumsor’.

According to him, the statement was just a notification to Ghanaians about a possible hindrance to the country’s ability to generate its power needs.

He continued that, “We did not say there would be ‘dumsor’ for 3 weeks. The West Africa Gas Pipeline Company (WAPCo) issued a statement, informing us that one of their suppliers in Nigeria is embarking on maintenance for three weeks. So they quickly wrote, informing all the beneficiaries of the WAGP line, i.e., Benin, Togo, Ghana, that this may cause some disruptions in the supply of gas or the amount of gas that comes in.
“So, GRIDCo and ECG, being proactive, also released a statement indicating to Ghanaians that because of the work being done in Nigeria, which will cause a reduction in the supply of gas through the WAGP line to Ghana, we might experience some challenges,” he said.

Collins Adomako-Mensah, who is also the Member of Parliament (MP) for Afigya Kwabre, indicated that the government and Nigerian authorities were able to find an alternative supplier of gas, which is why there was no disruption in power supply as indicated by ECG and GRIDCo.

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