We Will Make Bauxite Mining At Nyinahin Unattractive To Any Investor – Ashanti Youth Association

General Secretary, Ashanti Youth Association, Mr. Tweneboah Kodua has issued a stern warning to any investor that is intended to mine Nyinahin Bauxite.

Mr. Tweneboah Kodua said that the Association will make mining the Nyinahin bauxite unattractive for them.

In an interview, Tweneboah Kodua noted that Ashantis have the sovereignty of  the Region in their hands.

He added that the Association is planning to organize a vigil to instigate the entire Region on why there should be resistance on resources moving from Ashanti Region to develop others.

He said the Association will make sure taxes are paid on the resources that are exported from the Region.

He stated emphatically that the Association will stop the resources that are taken from Ashanti Region to develop other Regions.

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