Hundreds of passengers are stranded at the Gicel estate taxi rank in the Weija Gbawe Municipality after drivers who ply that stretch refused to work following the demolition of some structures belonging to them at the station by land guards.

The aggrieved taxi drivers accused a developer working allegedly at the Jubilee House of leading the land guards to demolish the structure housing their personal belongings, calling for the arrest of the developer.

The aggrieved taxi drivers say they will resist any attempt by the developer to eject them from the station, adding that they have documents to prove that the parcel of land they operate belongs to government land.

“What Kwesi Badu has done is not the best. He has demolished our building, and we have decided not to work until he is arrested. The developer brought some bulldozers here to pull down our building, which houses our personal belongings and also serves as a place for customers to relax while they wait for their turn to board a taxi. As taxi drivers, we have families and mouths to feed, but if it happens like that, we are going to struggle to provide for our family.”

“The developer says he owns that portion of land belonging to us, but we want to state with authority that the said portion of land is government land, and the Weija Gbawe Assembly gave us that portion,” former chairman of the Gicel Estate taxi rank, Agyei Amoah, told news men.

Some stranded passengers who spoke to Citi News expressed frustration over the refusal of the drivers to work today, adding that the situation has forced some passengers to trek to their destination.

“I came from town this morning and was looking for a vehicle home, but upon getting here, I realized that the drivers were not working and were demonstrating because some developers had demolished their structures. I want to tell authorities to ensure that the right thing is done so we can also go about our duties,” Agnes Amoah, a passenger said.

They submitted a petition to the Gicel estate police to address their concerns.

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